777 and similar challanges

I was tagged by Christi J. Whitney in the 777 challenge (Do check out her Romany Outcast series btw – really enjoyed #1) So here are the 7 lines after line 7 from page 7 of the latest Nicely Strongoak book – which I finished 7 months ago! (Publishing does not move quickly sometimes) . I’d love to give you the title, but these things can be subject to change – for shorthand it’s called KELS though. So make of that what you will!
KELS, eh?
KELS, eh?
“I drove down a long, tree-lined avenue – there is no other sort in Tall Trees – and pulled up on a gravel forecourt, leaving my wagon with a flunky. At least I’m guessing he was a flunky – all elves look like they just climbed out of the same enchanted pool of unicorn widdle to me. He took my Dragonette ’57 somewhere more discreet, in case even a certified classic steam wagon lowered the tone of the neighbourhood, and I took the elevator up the tree. Way up the tree.
I found a steward waiting for me in the entrance hall. ‘Is Master Dwarf the detective?’ he asked. Was this guy tugging my topknot? Did he maybe think I was selling cleaners door-to-door in Elfland?”
Well, it’s 7 lines in Word anyway!

I tagged Graeme Keith Talboys, Gerrard Cowan and Tim Lees, who I am also enjoying currently.

Published by


Author and scriptwriter, Terry Newman

3 thoughts on “777 and similar challanges”

  1. Really enjoyed the excerpt. Great voice.
    One thing that surprises me about the 777 Challenge is that every single one that I’ve read makes sense. I mean, I’ve read a few (I’ve been tagged as well sometimes back) and all of them made sense and were great to read. None of them made me go: what was that about?



    1. I have just checked with the current ‘Nicely Strongoak’ being written and a co-authored book of mine coming soon and they’re both pretty good too! Spooky! In the latter book it’s one complete paragraph! Spookier! 777 rules!

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